Cultural Intelligence Training
Effective leadership begins with a simple truth: not everyone sees the world the same way you do.
Each day on the job we encounter and interact with individuals—colleagues, customers, and other contractors—from very different backgrounds than your own. Improving your Cultural Intelligence will help you increase your influence and build trust faster in order to lead more effectively.
Practical cultural intelligence skills and strategies
Our Cultural Intelligence training—customized, in-person workshops or our online training course—is designed for busy construction professionals who wish to improve awareness of their own cultural mindset as well as those they come into contact with. These Cultural Intelligence mental models and tools will help you lead people better, regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender, or language preference.

Does your team struggle with:
Consistently recruiting Hispanic talent
Poor communication among teammates from different generations
Engaging Hispanic workers to improve front-line communication
Bridging the English-Spanish language gap to improve safety
Retaining Hispanic craft workers
Creating safety training content that resonates and is acted upon
Improving accountability regardless of language preference
Overcoming the "head-nod" as a gesture for clarity
What we offer:
Custom Workshop
Pre-workshop strategy calls with Bradley Hartmann
Good To Excelente diagnostic team assessment and review
Good To Excelente book, written by Bradley Hartmann
Custom, co-branded workshop participant guide
Access to Good To Excelente Cultural IQ online course
Certificate of Completion
Online Course
Good To Excelente diagnostic team assessment and review
Good To Excelente workbook
10 video modules
Self-paced, on-demand learning from any device
Certificate of Completion
Learning Outcomes for both
Recognize the leadership impact of cultural intelligence
Understand eight cultural dimensions
Identify behaviors associated with cultural dimensions
Learn strategies and tactics for leading effectively within each dimension
Practice Construction Spanish to sync language with culture (optional)
Top Construction Firms Invest in Cultural Intelligence Training

Improve Your Leadership Now
Enroll Online
Click the link below to enroll in the online course, pay in seconds, and begin learning immediately.
Host a Workshop
If interested in hosting your own custom Cultural Intelligence workshop, contact our team here and share your specific goals, outcomes, challenges, and ideal workshop dates. That will help us determine if we're a fit for a potential engagement.